The New Decay

for those who love myusik

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

This Music Makes Me Feel ...

Last night I was at cousins discussing how art interpretation too often looks first to the emotions as a tool for critique. We like certain musical groups, painters, poets, writers, movies etc... because of the way they make us feel. For some reason, this is even more the case with pop music, which is often seen as good only insofar as it is fun, or makes us feel good.

Such an approach to the arts is a frightening thing as it makes critical commentary virtually impossible, as everyone becomes their own critic in their own right and anyone who disagrees with anyone else is pushed to periphery and seen as a menace. By basing our opinions on art solely on feelings and emotion, and by claiming each persons feelings to be equally valid as the next, we cut dialogue on the arts off at the knees as nobody is really able to say anything to anyone else and expect to be heard (for example 'That new Bloc Party album makes a mockery of the radical elements of post-punk!' to which someone responds 'Well you're entitled to your opinion, but I like the album because it gives me goose bumps.')

Instead, we need to be more creative with how we listen to and interpret the arts, and look beyond our emotions. We need to understand why it is that certain ablums seem so significant, while others appear to be total crap.

Anyways, sorry for the quick rant. All of this is to say you should check this out, as it explains, in better words, what it is I'm trying to get at here.

While you're at it, check out the awesome feature on Juana Molina (whose, last two albums, Son, and Tres Cosas, are two of the finest records you'll ever hear), over at woebot.

Until next time,

Keep fit and have fun.


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